Friday 2 June 2017

As salam dan Selamat Berpuasa kepada muslim dan muslimah............

Bersempena dengan bulan Ramadhan ini, aku mencuba broker baru. Sebelum ini aku amat aktif di FBS dan sekarang telah beralih ke broker Fullerton Markets (FM) sebagai trader dan IB. Bukan bermakna FBS tak bagus cuma sengaja bertukar angin untuk mencari broker baru. Lagipun semamangnya aku dok usha broker dari New Zealand atau Australia. InsyaAllah aku akan stay lama kat broker ini, dah bermacam-macam broker aku join, hopefully yang ini boleh stay lama sikit.

Broker FM nie berasal dari New Zealand dan regulated Financial Market Authority (FMA). CEO dia namanya Mario Singh. Leverage max 1:500. Nie serba sedikit mengenai CEO dia nie:

A widely sought-after thinker in the finance industry, Mario has appeared more than 40 times on international media CNBC and Bloomberg, each time giving his market views to an estimated 350 million viewers world wide.

His two best-sellings books 17 proven currencies trading strategies and unlocking the worlds largest financial secret are endorsed by global billion dollar fund managers like Dr Mark Mobius, Executive Chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group and David Kotok Chairman of Cumberland Advisors.

Dahlah tu serba sedikit mengenai CEO FM. Bukan calan-calang orang dia tu.  Selain dari itu, aku memilih broker FM sebab:

1) Wide Range of Instruments

2) Research and Education

3) Easy Funding and Withdraw

4) Trade any Method

5) Lightning Speed Execution

6) STP

7) Dedicated Support 24/5

Sekian untuk coretan pendek....nak taw lebih lanjut boleh klik link di bawah yer


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